

TMJ Disorder

The Little Known Secret to TMJ Relief!

There is a very intimate connection between your Temporomandibular Joint (jaw joint), or TMJ, and the upper part of your spine and skull. Unfortunately, this fact is either unknown or simply ignored much of the time, even by our doctors. We tend to focus only on the jaw but not the surrounding, closely attached structures.

To finally experience proven, long-lasting relief from your TMJ symptoms or jaw tension, it is absolutely essential that all of the components of your TMJ symptoms are properly evaluated. Due to their close connection, to properly evaluate a TMJ or jaw problem, we must also evaluate the upper part of your spine, near the base of your skull.  This can be done with physical examination and, if necessary, a simple x-ray study.


In fact, more than 30% of our patients that experience migraine or headache symptoms also have symptoms of TMJ disorder or jaw tension!


Since 1993, one of our areas of expertise has been the proper evaluation of TMJ disorders due to it’s close association with migraine and headache disorders.  In my more than three decades in private practice so far, those with jaw tension, clicking, popping and pain are as much as 10 to 20 times more likely to also have significant upper spinal disorders!  This fact simply cannot be ignored!


Traditionally, treatment such as muscle relaxers, mouthguards and even

injections are used to treat the symptoms, while the structural
abnormality causing the TMJ symptoms goes virtually unaddressed.
 TMJ problems are likely to worsen over the course of time if the true cause is left undiagnosed and uncorrected.


Schedule your initial consultation today to determine if a structural alignment
issue may be causing or contributing to your TMJ problem.  

TMJ Disorder